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Learning how to study the Bible is one of the most important skills a follower of Jesus can prioritize. 

The Bible is where we learn about who God is! The Bible is where we learn how God defines right and wrong. The Bible is where we discover the faithfulness and love of Jesus. 

To study the Bible effectively, all you really need is a Bible. But if you’re wondering how you can make your Bible study deeper, I would recommend using one simple tool to help: a journal. 

Do you need a resource to use to teach your kids the Bible? Download the NEW Attributes of God 30-Day Family Devotional!

5 Benefits to Using a Journal during Bible Study

Here are just a few of the benefits of using a journal while you study the Bible: 

  1. Journaling during Bible study encourages deeper reflection. Writing out your thoughts and prayers slows your mind down. You’re forced to think more deeply about what you’ve read. That process of slowing down and considering Scripture more deeply will lead you to deeper insights, and your faith will grow. 
  1. Journaling during Bible study helps you remember what you’ve learned. It can be difficult to remember everything you learned, picked up on, or thought about during your Bible study time. The process of writing it down will help you remember what God teaches you during your devotion, even if you never look back at it. And if you do want to reference what you’ve learned before, you have your journal entries available. 
  1. Journaling during Bible study helps you see how far you’ve come in your faith. A quick glance back through previous journal entries will show you the lessons you’ve already learned, what things you were struggling with in prior seasons of life, and how God intervened in your life to guide you through hard times. 
  1. Journaling during Bible study helps you recognize patterns and themes in your spiritual life. As you continue to journal over time, you may start to notice patterns and themes emerging in your writing. This can be a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development. You may discover areas of your life where you need to focus more attention or areas where you’ve experienced significant growth.
  1. Journaling during Bible study provides a sense of accountability. Even if you never share the insights and lessons God is revealing to you with someone else, the act of writing those things down creates a kind of accountability between you and the Lord. This can be a powerful motivator to stay focused and committed to your faith. 

Find the Right Bible Study Journal for You

There are lots of different journal options available to you. Take a look at this list and see what might be right for you! 

Spiral Notebooks

The cheapest and most versatile option is to just purchase a spiral notebook like these. You can find them online and at most stores. If you wanted to go a step up, you could choose something like this, which is smaller and has a harder, more durable cover. 

Journals with Repeated Questions

This type of journal is great because each day you’ll answer the same questions. This method is fantastic for going deeper in your study of the Bible. While different journals have different lists of questions, the method itself is really helpful. 

Here is a list of simple, affordable journals that you could use to use this method: 

Other Quiet Time Journals

There are more robust options like the Wholehearted Quiet Time Companion and open-ended but still guided journals like the journals at The Daily Grace Co. A quick Google search is all you need to find lots of options! 

Your Turn!

Do you have a favorite journal to use for your Bible study? Drop a link in the comments below and tell us why you love it.